Friday, October 4, 2013

Hillhurst {Custom} Built-ins

Here are a few of the built-ins that we did at our clients home in Hillhurst. To keep with the Asian vibe I designed a fret work detail that our finishing carpenters painstakingly created of the pillars of the units...they are amazing and I appreciate them so much for taking my ideas and making them a reality.


For the office I worded off of a piece of art that the clients wanted to incorporate into the design of the built in, the center box that is illuminated will hold this vase and was the overall starting point for this design. We have accent lighting in other areas of the unit, gold grasscloth chevron floor, a fun brass sputnik light, and of course...that fret work. (260 pieces per panel, all by hand).

{lower level}

Right below is what we named 'Big Bertha'. It is a large and in charge custom built-in, again, incorporating the fret work, open shelving with accent library lights, and a two tone finish to help keep the lower level light and bright with the limited natural light.

The wet bar which is to the left of the Big Bertha has the same fret work and two tone design as well. For the main bath in the lower level we went with a furniture style vanity and a little bling...and I was super excited when the client said during the walk-through that she thought we should add wallpaper to the bath. Heck yeah, the hunt is on!!

Enjoy your weekend, next week I will share the kitchen and master bath. Mel xo

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