Thursday, April 14, 2011

He caved...

Remember my 'No way, not a chance' post that gave a list of items the Hubs had nixed? Well he caved on one of the items...the solid slab shower.
Image via Velvet & Linen

I had my heart set on using Calacutta in the master bathroom, once I saw the slabs that our supplier I knew that it was THE stone. When searching for tiles for the walls I found everything to be very busy and it just wasn't going to have the look I wanted no matter what supplier we received the tile from. So after endless weeks of pestering asking nicely he agreed to go ahead with it. 

Actual slab being used

They started the install yesterday and even though there are only 2 sections up I am already in love. The obnoxious blue on the walls is the waterproofing material, in no way is it related to the end result of the shower...just wanted to clarify that.

The inside of the 4 nieces in the back along with the large recessed section in the middle and the floor will all be a Calacutta mosaic from Salittilo. I thought about a basket-weave and even a hexagon pattern but this one just had the little bit of zip that I wanted.

Thank you hubs for caving, you will appreciate it when it is time to clean the shower, think of how easy it will be with limited grout lines?! And yes, the Hubs does clean the showers in the's this 'thing'.  Hope you all have a wonderful day, I am off to shovel more snow. Oh Mother Nature, aren't you silly. Mel xo

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