Friday, June 10, 2011

Pantry love

I can almost check the pantry off my list of spaces to organize in the new home, so far I am loving it! Here are a few pics to share with all of you...

 These pull out baskets were a last minute addition & I couldn't be happier with them. It is the perfect spot to stash items like potatoes, onions, snacks for the little ones.

 I designed the room with cabinets along the bottom for storage of items such as my Cuisinart, the Hubs juicer (that is never used), blender, and other miscellaneous items. A solid alder wood top caps it off with the shelving above. We entertain a lot and this gives me the perfect spot to prep food or even hold plated dishes before serving them without having the clutter in the kitchen. 

 I have a slight addiction to cook books. Can you really have enough? I love reading them, looking at the images, and rummaging through them to come up with the perfect menu to serve guest. Scary thing, this isn't even all of them, I still have 2 boxes to unpack, I told ya' I had an addiction!!

And yes, that is my microwave in the pantry. I really do not like having to design a kitchen around this eyesore of an appliance. In our last home we had it located in the island since it was mostly out of sight but it was not out of reach to the little ones! Since I didn't want to deal with the 'Get your iPod out of the microwave!!!' spats we I decided on this location. We hardly use this appliance so I knew that I would be OK with it a few steps from the kitchen.

We are awaiting this light from Visual Comfort to come in, this is the little beauty that I have selected for the pantry...
More boxes are calling my name so I must get started. I hope you enjoy your weekend and that summer sun!! Mel xo
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