Friday, October 1, 2010

Fridays Favorite - Date Night

No no no, not the movie, although that was pretty funny. Date night as in with my hubby of course! A fabulous restaurant, a beautiful bottle of wine, possibly a new clothing item, and a babysitter at home tucking the boys in. Ahhh, pure bliss.

Rob & I make it a point to have at least one date night a week. Since work is crazy busy and so are the boys it is out time together, no children having a screaming contest, no cell phones ringing, and no e-mails going back and forth. For tonight's date we are heading to Alloy, a favorite that we haven't been to in quiet a while. Between a great wine list, top notch food, great atmosphere, and each others company we know we will have a wonderful time.

Image via Alloy Restaurant

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you get to spend some quiet time with the one you love and adore. Mel xo
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