Friday, August 6, 2010

Fridays Favorite

 So I have a crush, it has developed over the summer while we have been at the cabin, and it is on Adam from Man vs. Food. I know I know, that show is rather absurd but I am addicted to it. He is just too funny and I love how he proposes marriage to any woman that can eat.

While most of the challenges make me want to never eat again (and I have to wonder how he can still eat steak after consuming over 70oz in one sitting) we have gotten some great ideas from the show. One of them was from an episode in Denver, a hamburger with nothing on it but cream cheese and diced jalapenos...seriously, it is great!

If you get a chance watch the show on the Travel channel, you will be in aww of the food some people consume but you will also laugh and possibly develop a crush like I have. Enjoy your weekend and be safe out there! Mel :)

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