Friday, August 13, 2010

Fridays Favorite

Fridays Favorite for today you ask?? Progress, that is what is my favorite thing for the day. Most importantly progress on our next home. Drawings are off to the engineers and the lot has been cleared for the driveway and house location. Come a take a little tour with me...

Here is the entrance to the property with the driveway cut in. We will need to bring in massive amounts of fill and bring the road up but I do want to maintain the natural landscaping along the driveway. To me the trees are priceless and we are trying to keep as many of them as possible.

Here is the view of the driveway location and what the front of the home will be facing. I am so happy that we were able to save the large spruce trees and so many aspens. While we were out on the site today I just stood there and listened to the sound of the wind running through the trees, there really is nothing more relaxing.

I love this photo since it puts the scale of the trees into perspective. This is what the back of the home will face, just beyond the trees there is a pond...can you say pond hockey in the winter??

Since I took all of these with my handy iPhone I wanted to share a few more that I took with my favorite photo app, Hipstamatic, it is so fun to play around with, almost as much fun as digging in the dirt like the little men in my life love to do!

Here is hoping you can make some progress in a project you are working on this weekend!! We are off to the farmers market to gather up some yummy food for dinner, lots of out of town guest will be here this weekend and they deserve a feast! Mel :)
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