Friday, November 19, 2010

Fridays Favorite - Apple TV

When I was running into the Apple store the other night Rob called and asked me to pick up the Apple TV. I rolled my eyes but since he was unknowingly treating me to a new Nano I obliged and picked it up. So he gets it all pluged into the TV and let me tell you, IT IS THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!!

Seriously, a hundred dollars!! You can access iTunes off of it, order tv shows for .99 and movies starting at 4.99. You can even stream Netflix through this little gadget and that has been a lifesaver with how busy I have been lately. 'Boys want to watch Cat In The Hat?' and then I hear a collective 'YEAHHH' giving me 30 minutes to get work done.

If you do not have a sound system you can also stream your iTunes through the TV and set it up so images from your iPhoto are displayed, so yeah, cool right? If you are out & about this weekend might I suggest you treat yourself to one, I think you will love it! Mel xo

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